Marriage Records of Simeon Thomas and Sarah Mays

The Marriage License


State of Kentucky Owsley County, Sct,
I Elkanah Winn clerk O.C.C. This
is to license and permit you to
Join in Marriage, agreeably to the
usual forms and Customs of the
society to which you belong,
Simeon Thomas and Sarah Mays
of the County aforesaid: said Simeon
Thomas having executed bond
according to law and the said Sarah
Mays being an infant, the Consent
— Given under my hand this
19" day of September 1865 and in the
year of the Commonwealth.
To any minister of the gospel or
other person legally authorized
to solimnize Marriage,
Attest Elkanah Winn Clk O.C.C.

The Marriage Return

Marriage Return

By Virtue of this license, I Join
in Marriage the within named
Simeon Thomas and Sarah Mays
at Meadow Creek School house in
Owsley County Ky, this 21st
day of September 1865 in the
presence of Pelu Barrett and
Birad Thomas and others.
                             Minor C. Taylor
Minister of the Gospel of the Christian Church of Christ